Sarah Scheid, MA, LPC

ADHD or Gifted? Understanding Why Your Child Struggles to Stay Focused

Now a days, it seems as though if a child bounces around in their chair at school or appears to be distracted and can’t pay attention, many teachers and counselors are quick to assume that a child may be struggling with Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder.  This seems to be the norm and typical reaction now a days when a child seems to be unable to focus as much as their peers may be able to.  However, jumping to these kinds of conclusions…

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5 Steps to Solve Your Child’s Sleep Problems

Does your child regularly struggle to fall asleep? Maybe you have a hard time putting a routine in place? Are they fussy? Are they having night terrors? Whatever it may be, here are a few suggestions and steps you can take in order to help your child get a well rested sleep at night. So that you can also get some sleep and put your mind at ease too! 1.) Make sure your child’s room is a good temperature. You…

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Back to School and the Anxious Child

It’s that time of year again and we are quickly approaching back to school time.  It always seems so hard to believe and everyone has the same question, “where did summer go??”  Regardless, summer has come and gone as fast as it usually does and what lies ahead is the hustle and bustle of getting kids ready to go back to school.  For some kids, the transition back into school is no problem.  Some are excited to see their friends,…

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Peaks Counseling, LLC
88 Inverness Cir. E. 

Building N, Suite 105

Centennial, CO 80112

Phone: (720) 432-3496

“Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.”