Upcoming Groups
We are currently gearing up and accepting sign-ups for our 2024 summer wilderness therapy groups! We are so excited to meet you and help teens to learn new therapeutic skills in the great outdoors! See below for more information:
There will be 2 separate courses offered throughout the summer:
Course 1 Dates: Fridays: May 31st, June 7th, June 14th, & June 21st
Course 2 Dates: Fridays: July 12th, July 19th, July 26th & August 2nd
Therapy groups will be divided into two age categories: 10-13 years & 14-17 years.
Hikes will differ every Friday but will be no more than 20 minutes outside of Denver and in the Foothills. All hikes will be easy and the finalized list will be seen before signing the consent forms.
10–13-year-old groups will meet from 9-11AM
14–17-year-old groups will meet from 12-2PM
$125 for each individual hike if you pay as you go and can’t commit to all Friday’s. If you sign up for all 4 Friday’s (full course), prices will be discounted at $100/hike for $400 total.
What will my teen learn?
We incorporate natural wilderness surroundings while facilitating therapeutic activities and exercises to assist your teen in learning:
Mindfulness and Grounding Techniques
Overcoming and Growing Through Struggles
Confidence Building
The Awe Affect
How to Get Motivated
Social Skills
And more!
Who will be running the groups?
Meet Sarah Scheid, LPC and Dan Brown, LPC. They will be the group leaders/clinician’s running our summer wilderness groups. Both clinicians are long-time hikers, CPR and First Aid Trained and have been in the counseling profession working with teens for many years. Click here to learn more about Sarah and Dan’s experience and areas of expertise.
To find out if your teen may be a good fit or to sign up, please message us on our contact page!
What is Wilderness Therapy?
Wilderness Therapy programs aim to produce confident, happy, and motivated teens! We want the children and teens in my programs to come out feeling mentally strong, motivated, and excited to take on new ventures in their life! Our programs are geared towards helping teens to learn team building skills, cooperation skills, and social skills.
Each program is different and unique, and no hikes are the same. Groups are limited to a certain amount of people in order for us to give your teen the attention and skill set they need to succeed. We believe there is something extremely therapeutic about being outdoors and enjoying the beauty of nature. We want the teens in the programs to develop an appreciation for these things too and therefore we take them out to the best spots Colorado has to offer.
Our programs are offered to children and teens that may benefit from learning team building and cooperation skills. Our courses also address social skills and how to work well with others. Particularly, if you have a teen or child who sometimes struggles with peers or making new friends, these courses will teach individuals how to work with others and how to appropriately approach peers. Some teens and children may be shy or struggle with making new friends. Our programs aim to improve social interactions, teach strong problem-solving skills, and help everyone work together to overcome obstacles or conflict.
How Teen Programs Work
Therapist and teens participating meet at the designated trail head. Throughout the hike (depending on which program you choose) various discussions are had with the group that pertains to program goals. Team building games are played while on the trail, lunch is had, and everyone challenges one another in a positive uplifting way. Breaks are taken throughout the trail to see how everyone is doing and to share thoughts on various issues. The group problem solves together and collaborates to make a fun and challenging day on the trail.
Important Info
Before your child can participate, it is required that a parent partakes in a 1-hour intake session with Sarah Scheid, MA, LPC or one of our clinicians who is involved in the program. This intake is to assure that your child is a good fit for the program and to have an in-depth look at your child’s history, background, struggles they may have/had, and to find out each parent’s goal for their child. Please keep in mind at the discretion of the therapist if a child has a strong history of violence or trouble with the law, they may not be able to participate. It is of vital importance that all individuals in the groups stay safe and therefore the risk of violence needs to be assessed. Once it has been decided that your child is a good fit for the program, your child will be signed up, payment will be made, and the following meeting will be on the trail with your child. Directions to the hiking trail, date and time, and packing instructions will then be sent to each parent. Groups will wait 15 minutes past arrival time and if clients do not show up during this time, the group will depart the trail head. Unfortunately, if you are more than 15 minutes late payment will not be refunded. You will be required to drop your child off at the trail head with the group and return at the time stated to pick them up after the hike has finished.
What Do I Do If I Need to Cancel?
If your child cannot make a trip, in order to receive a refund, you must inform us 48 hours ahead of time. Seeing as groups are small in size there needs to be enough time to fill a slot if someone can no longer make it. If you do not inform us your child is not coming within the 48-hour time frame, you will not be refunded your payment.
What Happens After the Hike?
Following the hike, we will send a re-cap to parents describing what occurred during the hike, what was discussed/learned, and goals that were accomplished. Each parent will receive an overview that is specific to their child, which discusses how goals were obtained and how they did on the trail.
Signing Up
Click on the link below to be directed to our contact page. Please feel free to tell us a little about your child/teen so we can help you to decide what program would be the best fit. We will then respond to you within 24-48 hours to answer any questions you have and to get your teen signed up.